About me

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Dr. Mircea Mihaescu — Startup Advisor and Investor

I am the founder of OwlRidge Capital Advisors, a financial consultancy helping high net-worth individuals make informed investments in growth-stage startups. Our in-depth knowledge of startups provides a “window” on new technologies and business models and support for better long-term decisions. Our extensive corporate and startup experience allows us to both select the teams with a good chance to succeed and help them along the way to growth.

Over the last 30 years, I’ve been building, growing, and operating innovative companies, from startups to large corporations. My experience spans from integrating dozens of startup technologies in large technology and financial services companies to leading startups as COO, CTO, and VP of Engineering.

Recently I have been the co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of OwlRidge Capital, a fund investing in early-stage financial services startups. Before that, I have been the Chief Operating Officer of Moven, a US-based challenger bank, with over 1 million customers worldwide. Before Moven, I founded and lead SBT Venture Capital, a pioneer fintech-only VC fund that invested $40m in 11 startups in 2013 to 2015. During this time, I mentored, advised, and assisted over 50 financial services startups on integrating into bank operations and aligning with bank IT strategies.

Previously, I was Director of IT Strategy and Director of the Technology Research Center at Sberbank, Director, CIO Lab at IBM, Director of Provisioning and Configuration Technologies for IBM Tivoli, Vice President of Engineering at Think Dynamics (cloud infrastructure management), CTO for beMANY (e-commerce group buying), and Technology Head for Bank of Montreal Capital Markets.

I have Engineering and Ph.D. degrees in Electronics Engineering from the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania, and I completed postgraduate studies at MIT and Berkeley. I am a financial technology and open innovation expert, speaker, mentor, and practitioner.


- 22.15-00.00 vecerni panel z naslovom Premik v razmisljanju glede razvoja visoke tehnologije; Grand Hotel Toplice, BLED (DANIEL; narocilo BSF, daj se na MIZS; prespis na Bledu)- direktor sluzbe za IT strategije pri Sberbank Mircea Mihaescu- soustanovitelj Cosylab Inc. Mark Plesko-Predsedujoci razprave: minister za izobrazevanje, znanost in sport Jernej Pikalo- visoki predstavnik BMW Heinrich Schwackhofer- sopredsedujoca NanoIsrael in predsednica izraelskega International Commercialization Alliance, strokovnjakinja za komercializacijo inovacij, tehnologij in tvegani kapital Nava Swersky Sof*erFoto: Daniel Novakovic/STAmoney2020_moven_blog_pre_mircea